DEVELOPING followers of Jesus who SERVE to REACH one more
Our mission is how we go about to accomplish our vision. It is the practical steps of movement.Ultimately, we want to glorify God by being active disciples of Christ; leading the unsaved to Christ; encouraging growth in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; providing a climate for worship, fellowship and service; and spreading the good news in Marshall, the surrounding communities, and the ends of the world (Acts 2:18; Acts 2:42-47; Hebrews 10:24-25; II Peter 3:18).
To be a community who actively ENGAGES GOD and OTHERS whether GATHERED or SCATTERED.
Our vision describes who we want to be. This is how we desire the church to move. The church is a body of people daily engaging God through time with him and then interacting with the world. This happens when we gather together for worship, study, and prayer and also when we move through the week at work, school, play, and in our neighborhoods.
At Family Bible Church these are our guiding values
#1 We believe lost people matter to God, they ought to matter to us.
#2 We believe the good news is He accepts us as we are but the great news is He doesn’t leave us that way.
#3 We believe who you are as a person is more important than what you do or what you know.
#4 We believe the church should be culturally relevant while remaining doctrinally pure.
#5 We believe when our lifestyle consists of worship and scripture study it will show through individual consistency and corporate vibrancy.
#6 We believe care, growth, fellowship and nurture happens best in small groups.
#7 We believe a call to servanthood and ministry is the natural progression of a maturing believer.
#8 We believe the church should operate as a loving, unified body of servants with each believer using their spiritual gifts and resources for Christ.