Playground Opening Information

Dedication & Play Night, Thursday August 1st from 6-7:30pm. We will give thanks to God and those who were a part of making this a reality! Exterior doors to the building will open at 6pm. We will begin the night with thanks shortly after around 610pm with thanks for those who worked on it and prayer and the official opening and play.

First Sunday Open, Sunday August 4th. The playground will be open on Sunday following the 8:30 service from 9:30-10:05AM and then again following the 10:30 service from 11:30-12:30PM.

Playground rules and procedures will be coming soon. Parents/guardians, please make sure you know these so your child(ren) will have the best experience and we honor God by taking care of this structure.

Sunday Gathering Info & Services

In-person & online at 8:30 (traditional) & 10:30am (modern)
Children's Program (nursery-5th) offered during both services

This Upcoming Sunday

Join us at 8:30am (traditional worship) or 10:30am (modern worship).

Come as you are dress wise. When you enter the building from the north or south parking lot you will be greeted and welcomed. Stop by the cafe for coffee/tea and a snack. Join a conversation or relax at a table or couch seating area or around the open space. Feel free to stop by the New Here or Next Steps tables if you want to connect. When you are ready, make your way into the sanctuary/worship center. We gather for 60-75 minutes. You can expect to sing songs together, reflect in prayer, and hear an applicable sermon from the Bible. We hope to see you on a future Sunday!

This Sunday…

We will continue in our series through Romans. David Smith will speak from chapter 10:1-13 a sermon titled “Salvation Basics”. Join us for a morning of worship, time in the Word, and fellowship together!

Snapshots of Sunday

Weekly Numbers

Attendance (7.14.24)

TOTAL: 383


  • Sanctuary – 99
  • Online Avg. – 13 households
  • Children – 11
  • Nursery – 8


  • Sanctuary – 204
  • Online Avg. – 14 households
  • Children – 46
  • Nursery – 15

Finances (7.14.24)

General $10,193.26
Weekly Budgeted Need$11,826.92
Current Fiscal Year Weekly Avg. (Jul. ’23-May ’24):$12,471.60
2022-2023 Avg. Weekly Giving
Avg. Jul. ’23-May ’24:$4,856.94

Current Sermon Series: Romans From Death to Life

Sermon Series Information & Calendar

The book of Romans, written by the Apostle Paul, delves into the core tenets of Christian faith and doctrine. It begins by addressing humanity’s universal need for salvation, emphasizing justification by faith alone. Paul discusses the consequences of sin and the transformative power of grace through Jesus Christ. He explains how believers are united with Christ, freed from the law’s condemnation, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Paul addresses many theological concepts for holy living. Together we explore why it matters just as much today as it did then. Romans from death to life.


  • 28 Salvation Basics-10:1-13, David Smith Speaking


  • 4 Your Choice-10:14-21
  • 11 Israel-11:1-36
  • 18 A Living What?-12:1-2
  • 25 Gifting-12:3-8

*Unless Otherwise Noted, All Services are at 8:30 & 10:30AM with Lead Pastor Kris Tarkiewicz Preaching

Deeper Dive: One Daily Scripture Readings


Practical Application Suggestions Throughout the Week:

  • Journal daily reflections on the readings.
  • Memorize key verses (e.g., Romans 8:31, 38-39).
  • Pray through the themes and apply them to specific challenges you may be facing.
  • Share insights with a trusted friend or small group for mutual encouragement and accountability.


Thursday, July 25

Matthew 20:1-16
Reflection: Reflect on the parable of the workers in the vineyard and how it illustrates God’s grace and fairness.

Friday, July 26

Isaiah 45:1-13
Reflection: Reflect on God’s control over history and His purposes for the nations.

Saturday, July 27

Ephesians 1:3-14
Reflection: Consider the blessings and grace we have in Christ, and how God’s eternal plan includes us.

Sunday, July 28

1 Peter 2:4-10
Reflection: Reflect on your identity in Christ and the mercy God has shown you.

Additional Reflection

At the end of each day, take time to meditate on the passages and how they relate to Romans 9:14-33. Consider journaling your thoughts and prayers, focusing on how these passages deepen your understanding of God’s sovereignty and mercy.

Deeper Dive: Discussion Questions Following Sermon


Following 7/14 & 21 sermons

Questions Based Upon Romans 9:6-13

  • Paul begins Romans 9 with a deep sorrow for his fellow Jews who have rejected Jesus. How does this personal lament shape our understanding of the passage, and how should it influence our approach to sharing the gospel with others?
  • Romans 9 discusses the complex interplay between God’s sovereignty and human free will. How do you understand this tension, and what insights does this passage offer in navigating these theological concepts?
  • Paul lists several spiritual privileges that the people of Israel had. How do these privileges translate to the privileges Christians have today, and what responsibilities come with them?
  • The concept of election is prominent in this passage. How does Paul’s explanation of God choosing Isaac over Ishmael and Jacob over Esau challenge or affirm your understanding of grace and divine choice?
  • Paul distinguishes between being a descendant of Abraham by birth and by faith. How does this distinction apply to the idea of the visible and invisible church today, and what implications does it have for church membership and participation?
  • Reflect on the phrase, “Your salvation is not based on your commitment to God, but in God’s commitment to you.” How does this perspective affect your faith and daily walk with God?
  • Paul’s ache for his people’s salvation is a central theme in this passage. Who is the “one” you are burdened for, and how can you actively engage in praying for and sharing the gospel with them? If you don’t have someone in mind, what steps can you take to develop this burden?

Questions Based Upon Romans 9:14-33


  • Romans 8:38-39 talks about the inseparable love of God in Christ Jesus. How does this assurance impact your daily life and your approach to challenges and uncertainties?
  • In Romans 9:1-5, Paul expresses deep sorrow for his fellow Israelites who have not accepted Christ. How do you respond when people you care about reject the Gospel? How can Paul’s example guide your attitude and actions?
  • Romans 9:6-8 discusses the idea that not all descendants of Israel are true Israel. What does it mean to be a “child of the promise” rather than a “child by physical descent”? How does this shape our understanding of spiritual heritage and identity?
  • Reflecting on Romans 9:14-18, how do you reconcile God’s sovereignty in showing mercy with human responsibility to respond to His call? How do these truths influence your view of salvation?
  • Romans 9:19-21 raises the question of God’s fairness and the right of the creation to question the Creator. How do you deal with feelings of unfairness or questioning God’s decisions in your life? How can you learn to trust God’s wisdom and sovereignty?
  • Considering Romans 9:22-24, how have you experienced God’s mercy and compassion in your life? How does understanding that God’s mercy is not earned but given change your perspective on grace?
  • Romans 9:30-33 talks about people stumbling over the “stumbling stone” because they pursued righteousness by works rather than by faith. In what ways might we be tempted to rely on our own efforts rather than faith in Christ for our righteousness? How can we ensure our faith remains in Jesus and not in our own works?


Next Steps

New to FBC?

Welcome to FBC!

We would love to get to know you! Please fill out a communication card by clicking HERE

Baptism August 18

The Scriptures teach us to proclaim the salvation we have found in Jesus through baptism. There is a short 30 minute class before you are baptized to help understand the meaning and procedures of baptism.

Upcoming Baptisms:

  • 8/18/24
  • 11/24/24 (Thanksgiving)

If you desire to be baptized please contact:

Membership - Class October 20th

Desire to know more about the church? Where we have been, what we are about, and where we are going? Come to this hour long class to discover the history of the church, know the by-laws, and statement of faith of FBC. This class is the first of three steps to join the church (second is meet with deacons to share testimony and third is reception into membership before church).

Please contact Deacon Mark Pike (markpike@yahoo.com) if you are interested in attending a membership class and learning more about joining FBC.

Upcoming Classes will be held Sundays at 11:45 AM in Room 102. 

  • 10/20/24

Looking Ahead

Monthly Calendar

twenty24@FBC Calendar


NEW Journey Kickoff - September 6

There will be a kickoff for Journey on Friday, September 6th at 7pm at the Union (102 West Michigan Ave). Journey is a 6 week women’s discipleship program that focuses on growing spiritually, physically, and relationally with God and others. It’s open to any woman 18 years and older. This meeting will be a great time to learn more about the program and decide if you want to be involved this fall.

For information contact Colleen Marino: colleenmckinley@gmail.com

NEW Men's Retreat - Oct. 18-20

NEW Outdoor Service & Picnic at Wilder Creek August 25th

Join with others as we bring our church family together in ONE service at 10:30am and for the annual picnic at noon. This will all be hosted at Wilder Creek Conservation Club (https://wildercreekconservationclub.org/) a few miles southeast of Marshall.

More information to come soon!


Property Care

Kids Ministry Sunday Volunteers Needed
Come serve with us in Kids Ministry! We would love to have you on the team to help teach kids about the love of Jesus.

FBC Playground Team

The playground opens Thursday August 4th! This is an exciting time to be a part of something great at FBC.

We are seeking people who will volunteer to serve at the playground Sunday mornings when it is open 9:30-10:05 and 11:30-12:30PM. The volunteer will help ensure use and care of the playground. More details coming soon!

We are also seeking people who will volunteer to staff it for open play in the community. This is a mission opportunity to serve, meet, and bless our community! We hope to have it open one morning and one evening a week. Details soon on how you can be a part.

If you are interested please contact Kris@familybible.church ASAP.

Ushers (8:30 & 10:30AM Services)

Ushers (8:30 & 10:30AM Services)

We are looking for additional ushers for both services. Be a friendly face as people enter the sanctuary. Assist people in finding a seat or other needs as they arise. If you would like to serve in this ministry, please contact Patti Hudson at (269) 986-2920 or patti.hudson@yahoo.com or contact Mary in the office at (269) 781-8400.

Mustard Seeds (Wednesdays at 9:30am)

Contact Joan Chapman with questions at mustardseedsusuganda@gmail.com

Coffee Team (Sunday AM)
Coffee Team (Sunday AM)

Brew the self serve coffee and have it ready by 8:15AM. Be part of a regular rotation serving 1-2 times per month. If you are interested please contact mary@familybible.church.

Tech/Worship Teams (8:30 & 10:30AM Services) 

Tech/Worship Teams (8:30 & 10:30AM Services) 

We’re looking for more volunteers to serve on our tech and worship teams for Sunday morning services!

Worship roles include

bass and more!

Tech positions include:

running the computer slides
cameras for the livestream
broadcast audio for our livestream

You will be trained for whichever position you choose. Please contact Chris Forystek at chris@familybible.church if you are interested.


Lighthouse (distribution day)

Third Saturday of the month. If you are serving please arrive between 9 and 9:30AM. Distribution is from 9:30-11:30.

Lighthouse (prep day)

Lori Peck is in need for help on Lighthouse Prep day (the Monday before Lighthouse) to help sort and hang clothes. 10am at the annex.

Sunday Morning Prayer Team

Our Sunday morning prayer team invites you to be a part of the ministry through prayer! We are expanding our prayer care during and after service. We seek people who desire to pray for and with others. Join this team and rotation each month. If interested please contact Pastor Gerten (richardgerten@gmail.com).

Opportunities To Be Generous

NEW - MACS Back-to-School Backpack Program

Meal Train (ongoing)

Mustard Seeds Donations (online option)

Great news! There is a drop-down menu available for Mustard Seeds when making online donations. Thank you in advance for your commitment to mission around the world!




Staffing Changes - Now Hiring!

New Student Pastor Needed!

Are you or someone you know a good fit for our Student Pastor role here at FBC? We invite you to share this link with them so they can apply! Please be praying with us as we’re trusting God to bring the right person into this role so that we as a church can continue our mission to DEVELOP, SERVE, and REACH one more, especially among our students!

Student Pastor Staffing Change - 5/9/24

May 9th, 2024

FBC Family!

We are witnessing the Lord continue to move at FBC. Change is part of growth as humans and once again we are experiencing both. Find below a letter from our student pastor Nick Walker. Following his letter I (Kris) have a few more thoughts to add.

Dear Family Bible Church, 

This week, I’ve had conversations with students and leaders that I knew would come someday, but I’ve never looked forward to. My season in youth ministry is coming to an end, as it is time to step into something different. This summer, I will be transitioning out of the Youth Pastor role and into an Associate Pastor role here at Family Bible Church. 

During my time as a middle & high school student, I went through 4 different youth pastors. When I took this job as Youth Pastor, I wanted to really commit to being here for a few years, even 3-4 years to see a class through. Well, it’s now been 7 years, and our graduating senior class this year consists of my very first 6th graders! 

Elsie and I have been through a lot of changes in the last few years as we’ve expanded our family, and youth ministry is becoming more and more difficult. I love my time with the students but at the same time, it’s a big sacrifice being away from my wife and kids so many evenings during the week. 

There have also been a lot of changes around the church that have demanded my time and skills in different ways. I feel like I have been doing 2 jobs at 50% for a while, and that hasn’t been fair to myself or to our students. Our students truly deserve the best, and I don’t feel that I’ve been able to give it. 

After much prayer, thought, and conversation, the time has come for change. It is time for someone new to step in and take our students further than I ever could. I truly believe that there is more in store for our students, and I’m excited to see a new youth pastor pour into them and make them more like Jesus. 

We are beginning the search process for someone to replace me. Please be praying with me that God provides the right person in His timing. I do not plan to vacate the Youth Pastor position and move into my new role until I have someone to replace me, and I would love to have our new youth pastor come on the mission trip with me and our students this summer! 

I am so grateful for each of you, especially you parents and students. The hardest part about leaving this position is knowing that I won’t get so much quality time with our amazing students. But I’m thankful that this is not goodbye, that I’m not leaving. I will still continue to see you all around on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. 

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement throughout the years. Elsie and I could not have done it without you! God is faithful and we are so grateful He has brought us to this place for such a time as this. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Blessings and Love, 


Kris continues: When the conversation began about this change I (Kris) asked Nick two questions. 1) Are you still called to ministry? 2) Are you still called to FBC? Much to my pleasure Nick replied “yes” to both.

Nick has been an amazing pastor on our staff and I am thankful he will continue on. In Nick’s new role he will come alongside me and take on many projects and ministries that need care, attention, and development so we continue to DEVELOP, SERVE, and REACH around us.

We are also excited as Nick has been taking steps toward ordination through FBC and also desires to return to school for further education.

We will indeed focus our efforts upon the Student Ministry and finding our next student pastor. We will continue to pour into our students as we have historically. Please pray for us and our next student pastor. Good things are ahead!

Thank you for your love, support, and prayer!

Kris Tarkiewicz, Lead Pastor FBC

Middle & High School Students

High School (Sundays 6:30-8:30PM)


HIGH SCHOOL: High School meets Sunday evenings 6:30-8:30PM in the student room. This is an awesome time of games, worship, lesson, small group, and more. There is NO YOUTH GROUP July 21st. Please pray for all of our students and leaders who will be gone for our mission trip to Wisconsin. We’ll be back on July 28th for our Señior Fiesta as we celebrate all of our recent grads. Hope to have you there!

Remind is our primary means of communication for all high school youth happenings. You can receive these messages either through the Remind app (blue background with a white script R) or you can receive them as text messages. 

You can join the High School Parents group by texting @fbcsrhighp to 81010. 

Students can join the High School Students group by texting @fbcsrhighs to 81010.

Contact Student Pastor Nick Walker (nick@familybible.church) with any questions.

Middle School (Tuesdays 6-7:45PM)

MIDDLE SCHOOL: Middle School meets Tuesday evenings 6:00-7:45PM in the student room at the church for a time of games, snacks, questions, lesson, and more. This Tuesday we will be continuing in our “Summer Retreat” lesson series as we talk through ways we can get away with God this summer and create good spiritual habits leading into the school year. Hope to see you there!
Remind is our primary means of communication for all middle school youth happenings. You can receive these messages either through the Remind app (blue background with a white script R) or you can receive them as text messages.

You can join the Middle School Parents group by texting @fbcjrhighp to 81010. 

Students can join the Middle School Students group by texting @fbcjrhighs to 81010.

Contact Student Pastor Nick Walker (nick@familybible.church) with any questions.
Middle School Message (Sundays During Second Service)

We have an exciting opportunity for our middle school students! Each Sunday during our 10:30 service, we’ll give all 5th-8th grade students the option to sit in the sanctuary for the first half of service and worship with the congregation, then dismiss to the Student Room in the new building for our Middle School Message! This will be a focused time each Sunday for our students to experience relevant content geared towards their age as we interact with the Word of God together. We are currently ON SUMMER BREAK and will be returning in the fall. 

Contact Student Pastor Nick Walker (nick@familybible.church) with any questions.

Kids Ministries at the ARK

Sunday Services

Join us Sunday mornings at 8:30 or 10:30AM! During July and August, kids (preschool through completed 4th grade) will stop by self check-in to print nametags before heading to the sanctuary with their families to worship together. After worship, kids will be dismissed to the Ark to learn about Jesus through Bible stories, games and crafts with our amazing volunteers. Nurseries are open throughout the full service.

July memory verse: “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18

No one like for a party to end, so let’s keep this party going! This month, we are celebrating Jesus because Jesus gives me joy! It’s the kind of joy that we can have no matter what. It is a joy that lasts forever!

July memory verse: “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people.” Luke 2:10 ESV



NEW - Homebound Ministry

If you are aware of an FBC attendee(s) that would enjoy home visits or friendly phone calls, please contact Rodna Stealy at (269) 986-0693 or rstealy@gmail.com or contact Mary in the office at (269) 781-8400 or marypike@familybible.church.

Rodna is forming this new ministry team. If you would like to be involved or learn more about being a Homebound Helper, please let us know. We’d love to get you connected!

Stephen Ministry

If you are unable to use the QR Code, you can also visit us here to reach out for support.

Visit https://familybiblechurchmarshall.org/stephen-ministries/for more information.


FORMING NOW. Be a Stephen Minister! Seeking our next cohort!

Currently Seeking People to Be Part of Our Next Cohort of Stephen Ministers. If God is calling you to minister to others, please prayerfully consider this opportunity!

NEW - Post-Abortion Healing through Alternatives Care Centers

At Alternatives Care Center (ministry partner of FBC) our Freedom Ministry offers help, hope and support to those who have experienced an abortion. Sit with women who have received healing themselves and will help to empower you to heal and reach your full potential– all through the power of Jesus Christ. And everything shared never leaves the group you are in because of the sensitivity of the experiences.

Discover more HERE



DEVELOP-Opportunities to Grow as a Follower of Jesus

Iron Man Men's Meeting & Breakfast - Tuesdays at 7AM

This group of men meets weekly on Tuesdays at 7AM for Bible Study and fellowship over breakfast at Free Range in Marshall. Questions? Contact richardgerten@gmail.com

Communities (small groups) at FBC


Get involved in a FBC Community. If you are interested in getting involved with a group here at FBC, you can fill out a form to receive more information. https://forms.gle/qme94rk5EAmUNuAW6

Contact FBC Communities (familybiblechurchcommunity@gmail.com) or Carla Edgell (if you have questions or would like to lead or participate in a community.

LOVE OUR CITY (Serve Marshall)

Parks Clean Up Project (pictures from day)

Love your city each and every day. We will see you at our next large project in September.

Mobile Meals





Mobile Meals of Marshall is Looking for New Drivers

Looking to volunteer? Enjoy people? Enjoy driving?

Deliver meals to shut ins and those recovering from surgery or illnesses.

Contact Judi Saari at 517-554-1459 or Harriet Carroll at 269-781-4506

The New Building is Open! What to Know & Expect



Which doors should I use to enter/exit? Please use the 1) new north entry doors from the new north parking lot OR the 2) new south doors underneath the new overhang. Look for the A-Frame signs by these doors with “Welcome to Family Bible Church”.

May I enter/exit the old south doors outside entry doors? No. On Sundays, please use new entry/exit points. You will not be able to move through the ARK space on Sundays from the parking lot or sanctuary (only through the HUB).

Where should I park? Most people will park in the south lot. Others may park in the new north lot. Part of the new north lot is reserved for seniors and mobility limited people. Please look for the sign to indicate. STAFF & VOLUNTEERS: If possible please park at Kempf Funeral Home. There is a wood-chipped path between the properties.

What if the parking lot is full? Look for a parking team member for assistance. They will direct you to overflow parking. If the ground is solid you may park on the grass near Old 27 or elsewhere.

Handicapped Parking. Please only park in these spaces if your license plate or placard are clearly displayed. This applies everyday and every hour of the week (not just Sundays).



Which restrooms should I use? You may use the new restrooms in the HUB or the old restrooms in the hallway just south of the sanctuary.

May I use the HUB during services? Yes. Feel free to spend your time at a table, couch or chair.

Will the worship services be broadcasts into the HUB? As soon as it is possible, we will broadcast the service to the tv’s near the cafe and New? Start Here area.

What if I have a question, who should I ask? FBC volunteers will wear a black badge and lanyard. Ask any of them for help.

Will there be snacks and drinks at the cafe? Yes. We will continue to offer drip coffee. There will also be water bottles and juice along with snacks most weeks. Donations are optional. All donations will go toward building out the cafe with more drink options including espresso drinks.

What about seating in the sanctuary? Please make space for others who are looking for seats. Also, let ushers know if you have room near or around you. If you are a regular here, consider moving forward to fill seats closer to the front so we save room for guests. At the 3/17 10:30AM service we had the largest attendance of 2024 so far. It felt full and some people could not find seats. However, there were still 119 seats open. 


How do I enter the ARK? From the HUB. All doors leading into the ARK remain locked before, during and after service

Who may enter the ARK on Sundays? Only children,  teachers/leaders, and parents/guardians with tags will be able to enter.

What do I need to pick up or check on my child? Your parent tag. A children’s ministry volunteer or safety team member will check your tag before you may enter.

Do I need to show my tag to pick up my child from their classroom? Yes. Show your tag to the classroom teacher who will dismiss your child to you.

What do I do if I lose my tag? Please stop at the NEW? START HERE desk where Corrie or Emily will assist you.

If I am in the ARK, where may I exit? You may exit the ARK from the south doors (to the parking lot) or the doors by the men’s bathroom.

May I reenter the ARK from these doors? No. You must go around to the HUB to reenter. Please do not make this awkward for yourself, the volunteer, or safety team member by knocking on the doors.

Where is the nursing room? Families who need access to a nursing room are invited to use the “living room” space (near the drinking fountain by the sanctuary). This space offers a comfortable seating area and a bathroom with changing table. Families with little ones who need to wiggle and move are welcome to use our new space!

Thank you, parents, for helping ensure our building remains secure and our children are kept safe!

During the Week

Which door should I use Monday through Thursday during regular office hours (8AM-4PM)? The north entry. Ring the doorbell and someone will buzz you in.

Which door should I use for my group or event? Contact your group or event leader. They should coordinate with the office to determine which entrance is best to use.

Handicapped Parking. Please only park in these spaces if your license plate or placard are clearly displayed. This applies everyday and every hour of the week (not just Sundays).

May I come and use the HUB during the week to work, study, have a conversation with another person or just come and be where others are? Yes. At least one of the seating areas should be available. Call ahead to confirm hours we are open and/or check in with the office when you arrive.

May I reserve a space in the church for a special event, group or gathering? Check with Mary in the office by calling 269-781-8400 or email mary@familybible.church.

Other Questions (playground and kitchen information)

When will the playground and kitchen be installed and complete? We hope by the summer of 2024 both will be complete.

I’m interested in helping with the new playground, what needs are there? We are seeking a team of volunteers to run and maintain this space. We need someone to champion and oversee it, volunteers to run it, to clean it, and to help us develop policy. If you are interested please contact Kris@familybible.church.

How many square feet is the new addition? Between 10,000-11,000 square feet.

What is happening the in the “courtyard” between the buildings? We hope to have some people develop it into a nice outdoor seating area for people to enjoy. If you are interested in being a part please contact the office.

What should I do if I have another question? Contact the office at 781-8400 or mary@familybible.church

Giving Beyond (Gifts from Wills & Trusts to FBC)

If you'd like to leave a gift to Family Bible Church in your will or trust a member of FBC will provide this service at no charge through her law office. Diane Peters (905 W Michigan Ave Suite A, Marshall, MI (269) 248-6500) will amend your will or trust at no charge. Thank you to Diane for this service and thank you for considering FBC.

Thank you for your support and giving to the Lord!

Online Giving

If you have questions about online giving please watch this video. Thank you for your ongoing support!

FORWARD Revisited

Be A Part of The Building Project (pledge here) Updated 1/17/24

TO PLEDGE ONLINE, CLICK HERE: www.familybible.church/forward

Thank you for your commitment, giving, and most importantly PRAYER toward this amazing project!

We are working together. After one year of the Forward Campaign, we had new pledges and also some reductions/cancellations (which is okay as we know life situation change). The updated pledge total is $757,690 for the first phase of this process (phase two is debt reduction).

Our savings and the Forward Campaign has given us more than half the total cost for the building. We are still trusting God for the remaining balance of the long term debt.

Every donation matters and moves us closer to our completion.

All Things Construction

Photos from Construction (more will be added soon)

Ground Breaking Ceremony Photos

It was a joy to celebrate the groundbreaking together!

I Have a Question. Who Should I Contact?
  • Family Bible Church
    • Deacon Vice Chairperson-Dennis Craft (Craftphoto@aol.com, 269-209-2252)
    • Building Committee Chairperson-Doug Kiessling (dkiessling5@gmail.com, 269-579-0960)
    • Owner Representative-David Mead (meaddavid00@gmail.com, 269-275-5902)
Why Build?

Why Build?

As we shared when we first launched the FORWARD Campaign in May 2022, together we will continue to be a church who develops followers of Jesus who serve to reach ONE more. We will expand our facility in order for you, your ONE, and many others to encounter Jesus in a loving community.  Our fully built out building will have space in the large hub/gathering lobby where we will see the formation of community and healing conversations before and after services over coffee from the coffee shop. We will build a kitchen where meals will be prepared and fellowship, laughter and stories will be shared. We will build a large indoor playground, open to the community during the week, year-round, where children make new friends and so do mom, dad or grandma and grandpa with others who come together. Where these small conversations lead to big conversations of faith.

We will build a space for our middle and high school students in Marshall and the surrounding communities, who in recent years have met in lobbies, the sanctuary, and various rooms, to have a dedicated place of their own. It will be a building where they can welcome their friends from their neighborhood or school to encounter Jesus for the first time. This building will create a dedicated space where children of all ages have a warm, welcoming, secure, dedicated space to learn about Jesus and develop new friendships on Sunday mornings, at Awana and each summer at VBS.  We envision ministries and groups of all ages from the church and community gathering in this new building during the week in our warm and welcoming spaces where strangers become friends and ultimately family as we follow Jesus together.

Be a Part-FORWARD Building Campaign Information







You can learn more below in the FORWARD campaign link and update. CLICK HERE: www.familybible.church/forward

May 2024 marked two years since we began our campaign.

We invite you to be part of the pledge campaign however, if you choose not to pledge, you may still give to the building campaign weekly, biweekly, monthly or give a one time gift.

Thank you for your commitment, giving, and most importantly PRAYER toward this amazing project!


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